Open Positions

Content Manager

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram

The content manager over Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram oversees all content published, both past and future, on all three platforms. Content managers should utilize various skills to help with marketing and growth for the server by posting engaging content. A highly technical individual should fill the role with strict professionalism online. This role is one of many that displays the face of TEN4 and its community. This role would be filled by a member who was or still is a part of the United States Armed Forces or a past or present member of a first responder force (i.e., Police, Fire, EMT, Medical, ect.). 

These responsibilities are subject to maintaining and beautifying the social media platforms you manage. As mentioned earlier, a content director is expected to make frequent posts to the platforms to generate activity. These posts are professional, grammatically sound, and FUN! This role requires semi-frequent posts, comments, likes, retweets, and TEN4's contractual appreciation posts with our sponsors. The duties listed are to help with growth and to develop an audience within said platforms. 

Content Manager

The content manager over TikTok oversees all content published, both past and future, on platform. Content managers should utilize various skills to help with marketing and growth for the server by posting engaging content. A highly technical individual should fill the role with strict professionalism online. This role is one of many that displays the face of TEN4 and its community. This role would be filled by a member who was or still is a part of the United States Armed Forces or a past or present member of a first responder force (i.e., Police, Fire, EMT, Medical, ect.). 

These responsibilities are subject to maintaining and beautifying the the platform you manage. As mentioned earlier, a content director is expected to make frequent posts to the platforms to generate activity. These posts are professional, grammatically sound, and FUN! This role requires semi-frequent posts, comments, likes, retweets, and TEN4's contractual appreciation posts with our sponsors. The duties listed are to help with growth and to develop an audience within said platforms.